Thursday, January 10, 2013

Not By Flesh but By Spirit

Turn on your TV or listen to breaking news on the radio and you will see we are in the end times. People are feuding with each other like never before. Family members are killing each other for little to no reason. Countries are at war. It seems everybody is out for their own selfish gain. The question I hear often is why? What we need to understand is we are not at war with people. We are battling spirits and strongholds that impact the person or yourself.

Ephesians 6:12 reads:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

 Spirits both good and bad come in many different sources.  We often want to blame that sports figure or that rapper when really they have allowed a spirit to take hold of them. Just as they fall victim we ourselves can also. How many times have we been having a great day but someone says something we do not agree with or like and it changes your attitude immediately?  That is a spirit of frustration or anger. My Lord is the Prince of Peace so that is not of him. If it is not of Christ then it has to be of the enemy.  Also, You have to be mindful of what you allow into your home and into your heart. The enemy is a master at making the most wicked things look glamorous. That televison show that we love to watch and cant wait until the next episode...It is often filled with lust, murder, lies, profane language and deception.  We watch the shows so much that it has been an accepted norm and now the enemy has us embracing worldly values and replacing what would stood firm and believed in while reading Gods word. The truth of the matter is when people are confronted with why they like things that go against Gods word  we hear " That was then. This is a modern world".  God's expectations have not changed and you have to take the blessings with the points that require discipline in this Christian walk. 

 Luke 21:33 says

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

 What if in the same way we said this is a modern world... Christ decided to modernize his mercy, grace or even our chance at salvation. In the bible it says God does not want lukewarm followers. Spending time with Christ will give you a sense of discernment. Prayer will give you a connection with your heavenly father. 

John 10:10 says

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 

The enemy wants to steal your peace. Kill your future and Destroy your relationship with God. I have never met a man yet who said he saw the Devil first hand. But he does come to us in different ways to distract us from the purpose God has on our lives. Next time you find yourself getting angry at someone...remember that it is a spirit that is causing this persons actions. Just because they have fallen victim to it does not mean you have to. Pray for guidance and peace. When that situation has got you down and you question why...remember the enemy comes to steal your peace. He can not have what you do not choose to give him. Lastly when you are feeling influenced and being led astray from your walk with God. Pray and get in the word because the devil wants nothing more than to Destroy your relationship with God.  Live your life with the Armor of God.  

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