Monday, January 28, 2013

Why dont we Ask?



Why don't we ask?

I was speaking with a good friend of mine and I begin to listen to the problems that he was facing. And he had such a burdened spirit. The issues he was facing were no laughing matter. He had told me all the measures and resources he had used to obtain a solution. However, he never said anything about coming to God or that he was going to have to pray about it. It made me think...Why don't we ask God for help? What is it that keeps us from coming to an omnipotent father? Do we forget that our heavenly father is an omniscient God. How does having an almighty and merciful God go unused. 

What I noticed is a lot of us do not believe that God will hear us. We believe that because our lives are less than perfect that our heavenly father wants nothing to do with us. That is simply not the truth.  Doubt because of sin gets in the way of Having Faith. However, it is even more the reason that we try not to sin. Sin can place separation between us and God. It is sin that causes us to look at ourselves differently. When we view ourselves differently the distance between God and ourselves becomes greater. Sin brings doubt. Where there is doubt the enemy has opportunity. Do not give the enemy opportunity. If you sin repent and ask forgiveness. We serve a forgiving God. While he forgives we should not plan on sinning. However we all sin. We will never be perfect but our strive for righteousness can be. We can learn a lot from children. Children no matter what wrong they have done will still ask for things that they wish and need. Just as the earthly father considers what is being asked from an obedient child. our Heavenly father is certainly more powerful and will make a way for his children.  Never lose sight of who you are and that God loves you. Come to God in pray and shall receive. 

Matthew 7: 7-8
 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

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