Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Apex

Today I rededicated my life. The first time I took this step towards Christ  was when I was 11 years old. I will not say that  I did not know what I was doing. I was of an age that I could understand the word. I had been taught since before I could remember. My father was not at the time but is now a Pastor. To be honest my household was ran like a Pastors house would. We always knew that time would come. However as with many people when outside of that upbringing  I seized the opportunity to explore and go my own way. My way was to escape the constant preaching and disciplines of the the bible. I'm sure I am not the only one who has done this. I will say from 18-30 I went in and out of what I was taught and attending church as a whole. However the older I got the more I heard his voice calling me back. When I turned 32 i started this blog and was being pulled back into the direction of Gods will.  Proverbs 22:6 says:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

That couldn't be any more accurate. Since this blog I have found myself in a direct relationship with God. It is completely different to know God for yourself. There is definitely something to be said about having a foundation where parents get you started but I can not explain the revelations and insight gained from moments of quiet when its you in your alone time with God. I am growing in him and learning more about him and in turn learning more about me. 

With the new phase/shift in my life it was also important to be baptized again with the full  understanding as an adult. Also with a direct relationship. I have found peace,love,security,strength and hope in times of struggle,dissapointment,fear and doubt. Today is the apex of my life and is the most beautiful reset button I could have. I am excited for the future and know that God has great things in store for me. I strongly suggest those that never have to get baptized as it is an outward symbol of an inward growth. Also those that feel or even question if it is needed to get re-baptized to just do it.  I have an unmatched peace and inner joy right now. You can too. Why wait another day.

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