Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Lord's purpose prevails

The Lord's purpose prevails
I was reading Proverbs the other day and a few points came to mind that hit home. There are a lot of people I come across that feel they are not where they should be or not sure how God is going to use them. Some even question if God is using them at this current time and if he is how would they know.
Growing up I always was taken by the music industry. Since birth I would watch performers and mimic there moves. Adolescent years I took up writing and rapping. Many years went by and I got pretty good at it.  I went to school and worked but always thought about rap as the career meant for me. However what I have learned is you can practice and become good at something but it does not mean it is your purpose. A thief practices over time taking things that are not there’s but we know it is a commandment not to steal. Therefore it cannot possibly be Gods purpose for your life no matter how good you might be at it. The thing is no matter how good you are at something you will not feel complete or successful at it. I had recorded numerous songs and people that I would let hear them liked the material but they would always say why don’t you put this out, or this sounds as good as or better than what’s on the radio. The answer came earlier this year. I had talent at music but at least that kind of music was not my purpose with God. It was something in me that would not allow me to heavily promote material that would go against what had been imprinted in me since birth. Proverbs 19:21 says many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the lord's purpose that prevails. We can want something all we want but if it is not meant for you God will have the final word. Man cannot keep you away from your purpose or blessing not even yourself. When we try to deviate from it is when we face confusing and struggles internally and externally. This can go for careers, posessions and relationships.  I never understood why things were not going my way or why it never seemed like quite the right project to use as a demo.  I am not even sure that music is my purpose but I am stronger with God now and I pray for that purpose to be revealed. I know he will. I have faith that he will and that is start. One thing is for sure if it is music it will not be the same kind of music as before. When you change the things around seem different. I find myself not wanting to hear or entertain the same things. I am thankful for that. It shows God has implanted something that causes conviction when I know it is right.  Proverbs 20: 24 says a person's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way? You cannot lean to your own understanding.  Keep communication open with God and he will reveal things to you the more you talk to him.  Prayer and studying the word is the best way to discover your purpose. Reading the word and meditating on it will teach you about the word but also teach you about yourself.  I pray you strive towards living a purposeful life as well. I pray you have received something from this and have a blessed day.

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