Saturday, May 26, 2012

Put away childish Things 1 Corinthians 13:11

Reflection of 1 Corinthians 13:11

 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

 There is so much depth just to that one verse. When you age in the world that does not necessarily mean you have grown or matured. To grow in Christ and become a "man of God" is to have  complete lifestyle change. There is no way you can talk, act, speak or think the same way. Knowledge is power. 

Ex. A child places his hand on the stove not knowing its hot. He had not second thoughts or fear of doing it. He does not know that it can burn him.  However after learning that the stove is hot he now understands to stay away from it.  

 All I am saying is When you are a child there are many things that don't make sense because you lack the knowledge. Nor necessarily do you care to find out the truth. However, once you are an adult and have experienced some things than you know how to proceed and react responsibly. Now as a child of God knowing his commandments and teachings you have gained knowledge. That knowledge will be applied with daily use. No, You will not be perfect but at least you know now what is expected of you. A man of God is not going to react the same way as a man of the street when presented with things. He should not because he has the knowledge and the experience to guide him to make the best decision. Prayer and study will help you put the childish things behind you. I am not saying you can not have fun. As Christians we are sufferers but we also are not expected to be dull people. If we are dull than how can our light shine and interest those not of God to want to be a part of his flock.

 We know that our hard times are sometimes called "darkness or the wilderness" so...

Ex. You are in that darkness or wilderness that is often symbolic of a rough time or hardship. Lets look at it in the physical and how it relates to you spiritually.To walk through darkness in a wilderness is a lonely scary time. You are not quite sure of the best way out. You don't really want to move forward  because you do not know what trouble is ahead but you can not stay where you are either. You encounter in this dark wilderness 2 flying insects. A moth and firefly. The moth moves slowly and has no flare it is just there. You can barely see it in the dark however the firefly lights up the area and has given you a point of focus. The person walking decides to focus on the firefly. The firefly leads him out of the wilderness.

Simply put no matter how old you are in the faith never forget only half of being a christian is your walk. You also are expected to be a light unto others. You can never become the moth. You will always need your light to shine because every day will bring forth opportunities to lead someone to the right way. It could be a person in the wilderness. A person just getting out the wilderness. Someone who is just going in. Whatever the case. be ready and let your light shine!

In conclusion in your walk with God put childish things away that have no place in his  kingdom but don't lose your excitement, flare or your light to lead someone out of the darkness. Have fun and find joy in bringing someone to Christ!



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